
자연에 방치후 9년뒤 발견된 칼자이쯔 스코프

有美조아 2015. 3. 1. 17:56


Lost and found: ZEISS riflescope still working after nearly 10 years in the mountains

Anyone who goes hunting in the mountains must always expect weather changes, which cancel the expedition suddenly and unexpectedly. Sometimes, equipment is left behind. Also during recovering hunted game it can happen that the weapon is misplaced and cannot be found back.

In John Sveen’s case it was much simpler. He took a short break and afterwards he went on without his rifle, a ZEISS scope mounted on the rifle.
After nine years, John was amazed when his friend Knut Øyjorda found his gun in the mountains: The wooden stock was bleached out and brittle, the muzzle was rusted and unusable. only the scope was still like new. The coating withstood the weather, the cold and heat could not harm the optics. The Customer Service in Wetzlar checked the scope in detail and concluded: ZEISS products are indestructible!

노르웨이에서 9년전에 산으로 사냥에 나갔다가 날씨등의 이유로 철수 라이플을 놓고(버리고?) 옴. 9년뒤 친구가 라이플을 발견. 총은 녹슬고 코팅벗겨지고 난리났지만 스코프는 당장 사용해도 될만큼 멀쩡.










출처    http://bemil.chosun.com/nbrd/gallery/view.html?b_bbs_id=10044&pn=1&num=196436